

Authors Klüppel, M. ; Bandow, B.
Title Evaluation of Tearing Energy and Dynamic Crack Propagation of Elastomer Composites
Date 10.09.2008
Number 1015
Abstract Viscoelastic properties, micro-mechanical material parameters and fatigue crack propagation rates of a series of rubber samples, based on high vinyl S-SBR and EPDM with variable type (carbon black and silica), activity and amount of filler, have been investigated (Tab. 1). Relaxation time spectra are evaluated for describing the visco-elastic crack opening mechanism. The predicted power law exponents of fatigue crack propagation rates agree fairly well with measurements at moderate severity (harmonic loading, 4 Hz). The dependence of the filler network parameters correlates qualitatively with the behaviour of the tear resistance obtained under high severity conditions (pulsed loading, 50 ms, 10 Hz).<br /><br />Proceedings: Euromech 502 Colloquium, Dresden 8.-10. Sept. 2008
Publisher Proceedings: Euromech 502 Colloquium 8.-10. Sept.
Citation Proceedings: Euromech 502 Colloquium 8.-10. Sept. (2008)
Tags FOR 597 , FOR 597 - TP1

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