

Authors Abreu, T. O.; do Carmo, F. F.; do Nascimento, J. P. C.; Santos da Silva, M. A.; Abreu, R. F.; Nogueira, F. E. A.; Nobrega, F. A. C.; da Silva, R. S.; Trukhanov, S. V.; Zhou, D.; Singh, C.; Sombra, A. S. B.
Title High-sensitive upconversion optical thermometers derived of Y(Nb0.5Ti0.5)2O6:Er3+/Yb3+ phosphors under 808 nm and 980 nm excitation
Date 03.01.2025
Number 0
Abstract Y(Nb0.5Ti0.5)2O6:Er3+/Yb3+ phosphors were obtained through the solid state reaction method, where the temperature dependence of up-conversion luminescence properties under 980 nm and 808 nm excitation and the potential application as optical temperature sensor were evaluated. Measurements of X-ray diffraction the formation of a single phase in all the samples analyzed. Phosphors synthetized were excited at 980 nm and 808 nm, where was observed green and red emissions correlated to transitions from Er3+ ions. The power-dependent study demonstrated that filling the levels referring to the green and red emissions involves two-photon processes for both excitations evaluated. Moreover, possible mechanistic proposals for the YNT: Er3+/Yb3+ system at 980 nm and 808 nm were elaborated based on the up-conversion (UC) emission dependence on pump power. Optical temperature-sensing properties were evaluated through fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) technique, where relative (SR) and absolute (Sabs) sensitivities were obtained employing thermally coupled levels (TCL) and non-thermally coupled levels (NTCL) from Er3+ ions. Sabs and SR values were compared with the other sensors based on ceramics and demonstrated that YNT: Er3+/Yb3+ system presented sensitivities values near or greater than these phosphors, indicating that the YNT: Er/Yb phosphors could be employing as optical temperature sensors in the high-temperature region.
Publisher Springer
Citation Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 131 (2025) 41

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