

Authors Lang, M.; Scholz, R.
Title On the swelling of polymer network strands
Date 07.02.2024
Number 0
Abstract Large scale computer simulations are employed to analyze the conformations of network strands in polymer networks at preparation conditions (characterized by a polymer volume fraction of ϕ0) and when swollen to equilibrium (characterized by a polymer volume fraction ϕ < ϕ0). Network strands in end-linked model networks are weakly stretched and partially swollen at preparation conditions as compared to linear polymers in the same solvent at ϕ0. Equilibrium swelling causes non-ideal chain conformations characterized by an effective scaling exponent approaching 7/10 on intermediate length scales for increasing overlap of the chains. The chain size in a network consists of a fluctuating and a time average “elastic” contribution. The elastic contribution swells essentially affinely ∝(ϕ0/ϕ)2/3, whereas the swelling of the fluctuating part lies between the expected swelling of the entanglement constraints and the swelling of non-cross-linked chains in a comparable semi-dilute solution. The total swelling of chain size results from the changes of both fluctuating and non-fluctuating contributions.
Publisher Wiley
Citation Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (2024) 2400025

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