

  • Srivastava, S. K. ; Pionteck, J. Recent advances in preparation, structure, properties and applications of graphite oxide more Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15 (2015) 1984-2000
  • Sreekanth, M. S. ; Panwar, A. S. ; Pötschke, P. ; Bhattacharyya, A.R. Influence of hybrid nano-filler on the crystallization behaviour and interfacial interaction in polyamide 6 based hybrid nano-composites more Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 9410-9410
  • Tzounis, L. ; Liebscher, M. ; Mäder, E. ; Pötschke, P. ; Stamm, M. ; Logothetidis, S. Thermal energy harvesting for large-scale applications using MWCNT-grafted glass fibers and polycarbonate-MWCNT nanocomposites more AIP Conference Proceedings 1646 (2015) 138-148
  • Jogi, B. F, ; Bhattacharyya, A.R. ; Poyekar, A. V. ; Pötschke, P. ; Simon, G. P. ; Kumar, S. The simultaneous addition of styrene maleic anhydride copolymer and multiwall carbon nanotubes during melt-mixing on the morphology of binary blends of polyamide6 and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer more Polymer Engineering and Science 55 (2015) 457-465
  • Sefadi, J.S. ; Luyt, A.S. ; Pionteck, J. Effect of surfactant on EG dispersion in EVA and thermal and mechanical properties of the system more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 132 (2015) 41352 (1 of 11)
  • Paluch, M. ; Masiewsicz, E. ; Grzybowski, A. ; Pawlus, S. ; Pionteck, J. ; Wojnarowska, Z. General rules prospected for the liquid fragility in various material groups and different thermodynamic conditions more Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 134507
  • Pionteck, J. Introduction to pVT Data more Springer (2014) 1-9
  • Pionteck, J. Thermodynamic properties - pVZ-Data and Thermal Properties [Part 2] more Springer 6A2 (2014)
  • Wojnarowska, Z. ; Jarosz, G. ; Grzybowski, A. ; Pionteck, J. ; Jacquemin, J. ; Paluch, M. On the scaling behavior of electric conductivity in [C4mim][NTf2] more Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 20444-20450
  • Mohanty, A. K. ; Ghosh, A. ; Sawai, P. ; Pareekh, K. ; Banerjee, S. ; Das, A. ; Pötschke, P. ; Heinrich, G. ; Voit, B. Electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of MWCNT-filled poly(ether sulfone) and poly(ether imide) nanocomposites more Polymer Engineering and Science 54 (2014) 2560-2570
  • Staudinger, U. ; Krause, B. ; Steinbach, C. ; Pötschke, P. ; Voit, B. Dispersability of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in polycarbonate-chloroform solutions more Polymer 55 (2014) 6335-6344
  • Tzounis, L. ; Gärtner, T. ; Liebscher, M. ; Pötschke, P. ; Stamm, M. ; Voit, B. ; Heinrich, G. Influence of a cyclic butylene terephthalate oligomer on the processability and thermoelectric properties of polycarbonate/MWCNT nanocomposites more Polymer 55 (2014) 5381-5388
  • Vijayan , P. ; Pionteck, J. ; Huczko, A. ; Puglia, D. ; Kenny, J. M. ; Thomas, S. Liquid rubber and silicon carbide nanofiber modified epoxy nanocomposites: Volume shrinkage, cure kinetics and properties more Composites Science and Technology 102 (2014) 65-73
  • Liebscher, M. ; Gärtner, T. ; Tzounis, L. ; Micusik, M. ; Pötschke, P. ; Stamm, M. ; Heinrich, G. ; Voit, B. Influence of the MWCNT surface functionalization on the thermoelectric properties of melt-mixed polycarbonate composites more Composites Science and Technology 101 (2014) 133-138
  • Omastová, M. ; Micusik, M. ; Fedorko, P. ; Pionteck, J. ; Kovarova, J. ; Chehimi, M. M. The synergy of ultrasonic treatment and organic modifiers for tuning the surface chemistry and conductivity of multiwalled carbon nanotubes more Surface and Interface Analysis 46 (2014) 940-944
  • Liebscher, M. ; Krause, B. ; Pötschke, P. ; Barz, A. ; Bliedtner, J. ; Möhwald, M. ; Letzsch, A. Achieving electrical conductive tracks by laser treatment of non-conductive polypropylene/polycarbonate blends filled with MWCNTs more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 299 (2014) 869-877
  • Krause, B. ; Pötschke, P. ; Gohs, U. Effects of high energy electrons on the properties of polyethylene / multiwalled carbon nanotubes composites: Comparison of as-grown and oxygen-functionalised MWCNT more AIP Conference Proceedings 1593 (2014) 290-293
  • Krause, B. ; Schneider, C. ; Boldt, R. ; Weber, M. ; Park, H. J. ; Pötschke, P. Localization of carbon nanotubes in polyamide 6 blends with non-reactive and reactive rubber more Polymer 55 (2014) 3062-3067
  • Wurm, A. ; Lellinger, D. ; Minakov, A. A. ; Skipa, T. ; Pötschke, P. ; Nicula, R. ; Alig, I. ; Schick, C. Crystallization of poly(e-caprolactone)/MWCNT composites: A combined SAXS/WAXS, electrical and thermal conductivity study more Polymer 55 (2014) 2220-2232
  • Adrjanowicz, K. ; Grzybowski, A. ; Grzybowska, K. ; Pionteck, J. ; Paluch, M. Effect of high pressure on crystallization kinetics of van der waals liquid: An experimental and theoretical study more Crystal Growth & Design 14 (2014) 2097-2104
  • Ameli, A. ; Nofar, M. ; Park, C. B. ; Pötschke, P. ; Rizvi, G. Polypropylene/carbon nanotube nano/microcellular structures with high dielectric permittivity, low dielectric loss, and low percolation threshold more Carbon 71 (2014) 206-217
  • Zhuravlev, E. ; Wurm, A. ; Pötschke, P. ; Androsch, R. ; Schmelzer, J. W. P. ; Schick, C. Kinetics of nucleation and crystallization of poly(e-caprolactone) - multiwalled carbon nanotube composites more European Polymer Journal 52 (2014) 1-11
  • Kai Ke ; Pötschke, P. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Fischer, D. ; Voit, B. Achieving b-phase poly(vinylidene fluoride) from melt cooling: effect of surface functionalized carbon nanotubes more Polymer 55 (2014) 611-619
  • Monemian, S. ; Jafari, S.H. ; Khonakdar, H. A. ; Pötschke, P. Dynamic-mechanical analysis of MWNTs-filled PC/ABS blends more Polymer Engineering and Science 54 (2014) 2696-2706
  • Fakirov, S. ; Rahmann, Md. Z. ; Pötschke, P. ; Bhattacharyya, D. Single polymer composites of poly(butylene terephthalate) microfibrils loaded with carbon nanotubes exhibiting electrical conductivity and improved mechanical properties more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 299 (2014) 799-806