Institute /Biofunctional Polymer Materials/ (since 2000)
Bonda, U. ; Jaeschke, A. ; Lighterness, A. ; Baldwin, J. ; Werner, C. ; De-Juan-Pardo, E. M. ; Bray, L.
3D quantification of vascular-like structures in z-stack confocal images more
STAR Protocols 1 (2020) Article Number: 100180
Magno, V. ; Meinhardt, A. ; Werner, C.
Polymer hydrogels to guide organotypic and organoid cultures more
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (2020) 2000097
Walkowiak, J.J. ; Ballauff, M. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Interaction of Heparin with Lysozyme more
Biomacromolecules 21 (2020) 4615-4625
Talevski, T. ; Leshoska, A.T. ; Pejoski, E. ; Pejin, B. ; Machalowski, T. ; Wysokowski, M. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Petrova, O. V. ; Sivkov, V. N. ; Martinovic, R. ; Pantovic, S. ; Khrunyk, Y.Y. ; Trylis, V. ; Fursov, A. ; Djurovic, M. ; Jesionowski, T. ; Ehrlich,
Identification and first insights into the structure of chitin from the endemic freshwater demosponge Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937) more
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 162 (2020) 1187-1194
Singh, T. ; Hook, A.L. ; Luckett, J. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Sperling, C. ; Werner, C. ; Davies, M. C. ; Irvine, J.D. ; Williams, P. ; Alexander, M.
Discovery of hemocompatible bacterial biofilm-resistant copolymers more
Biomaterials 260 (2020) 120312
Limasale, Y. D. P. ; Atallah, P. ; Werner, C. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Zimmermann, R.
Tuning the local availability of VEGF within glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels to modulate vascular endothelial cell morphogenesis more
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (2020) 2000068
Sterzenbach, T. ; Helbig, R. ; Hannig, C. ; Hannig, M.
Bioadhesion in the oral cavity and approaches for biofilm management by surface modifications more
Clinical Oral Investigations 24 (2020) 4237-4260
Hosseini, K. ; Taubenberger, A. ; Werner, C. ; Fischer-Friedrich, E.
EMT-induced cell mechanical changes enhance mitotic rounding strength more
Advanced Science 7 (2020) 2001276
Newland, B. ; Varricchio, C. ; Körner, Y. ; Hoppe, F. ; Taplan, C. ; Newland, H. ; Eigel, D. ; Tornillo, G. ; Pette, D. ; Brancale, A. ; Welzel, P. ; Seib, F. P. ; Werner, C.
Focal drug administration via heparin-containing cryogel microcarriers reduces cancer growth and metastasis more
Carbohydrate Polymers 245 (2020) 116504
Koch, K.M. ; Jaeschke, A. ; Murekatete, B. ; Ravichandran, A. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Werner, C. ; Soon, P. ; Hutmacher, D. W. ; Haupt, L.M. ; Bray, L.
Stromal fibroblasts regulate microvascular-like network architecture in a bioengineered breast tumour angiogenesis model more
Acta Biomaterialia 114 (2020) 256-269
Alghamdi, M. ; Chierchini, F. ; Eigel, D. ; Taplan, C. ; Miles, T. ; Pette, D. ; Welzel, P. ; Werner, C. ; Wang, W. ; Neto, C. ; Gumbleton, M. ; Newland, B.
Poly(ethylene glycol) based nanotubes for tuneable drug delivery to glioblastoma multiforme more
Nanoscale Advances 2 (2020) 4498-4509
Besford, Q.A. ; Weiss, A.C.G. ; Schubert, J. ; Ryan, T.M. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Tomanin, P.P. ; Savioli, M. ; Werner, C. ; Fery, A. ; Caruso, F. ; Cavalieri, F.
Protein component of oyster glycogen nanoparticles: An anchor point for functionalization more
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 38976-38988
Schirmer, L. ; Hoornaert, C. ; Le Blon, D. ; Eigel, D. ; Neto, C. ; Gumbleton, M. ; Welzel, P. ; Rosser, A. ; Werner, C. ; Ponsaerts, P. ; Newland, B.
Heparin-based, injectable microcarriers for controlled delivery of interleukin-13 to the brain more
Biomaterials Science 8 (2020) 4997-5004
Chen, J. ; Dai, S. ; Liu, L. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Liao, Y. ; Cui, J. ; Zhao, A. S. ; Yang, P. ; Huang, N. ; Wang, Y.
Photo-functionalized TiO2 nanotubes decorated with multifunctional Ag nanoparticles for enhanced vascular biocompatibility more
Bioactive Materials 6 (2020) 45-54
Götze, J. ; Hofmann, B. ; Machalowski, T. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Jesionowski, T. ; Ehrlich, H. ; Kleeberg, R. ; Ottens, B.
Biosignatures in subsurface filamentous fabrics (SFF) from the Deccan Volcanic Province, India more
Minerals 10 (2020) 540
Nowacki, K. ; Stepniak, I. ; Langer, E. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Wysokowski, M. ; Petrenko, I. ; Khrunyk, Y.Y. ; Fursov, A. ; Bo, M. ; Bavestrello, G. ; Joseph, Y. ; Ehrlich, H.
Electrochemical approach for isolation of chitin from the skeleton of the black coral. Cirrhipathes sp. (Antipatharia) more
Marine Drugs 18 (2020) 297
Hassan, G. ; Forsman, N. ; Wan, X. ; Keurulainen, L. ; Bimbo, L. M. ; Stehl, S. ; van Charante, F. ; Chrubasik, M. ; Prakash, A. ; Johansson, L.-S. ; Mullen, D.C. ; Johnston, B. F. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Werner, C. ; Yli-Kauhaluoma, J. ; Coenye, T. ; Saris, P
Non-leaching, highly biocompatible nanocellulose surfaces that efficiently resist fouling by bacteria in an artificial dermis model more
ACS Applied Bio Materials 3 (2020) 4095-4108
Xiao, Y. ; Wang, W. ; Tian, X. ; Tan, X. ; Yang, T. ; Gao, P. ; Xiong, K. ; Tu, Q. ; Wang, M. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Huang, N. ; Pan, G. ; Yang, Z.
A versatile surface bioengineering strategy based on mussel-inspired and bioclickable peptide mimic more
Research: Official Journal of CAST (2020) 7236946
Yang, Y. ; Gao, P. ; Wang, J. ; Tu, Q. ; Bai, L. ; Xiong, K. ; Qiu, H. ; Zhao, X. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Wang, H. ; Li, X. ; Zhao, Q. ; Xiao, Y. ; Huang, N. ; Yang, Z.
Endothelium-mimicking multifunctional coating modified cardiovascular stents via a stepwise metal-catechol-(amine) surface engineering strategy more
Research: Official Journal of CAST (2020) 9203906
Binnewerg, B. ; Schubert, M. ; Voronkina, A. ; Muzychka , L. ; Petrenko, I. ; Djurovic, M. ; Kovalchuk, V. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Bechmann, N. ; Fursov, A. ; Ivanenko, V.N. ; Smolii , O.B. ; Joseph, Y. ; Giovine, M. ; Bornstein, S. R. ; Stelling, A. ; Tunger, A
Marine biomaterials: Biomimetic and pharmacological potential of cultivated Aplysina aerophoba marine demosponge more
Materials Science and Engineering C - Materials for Biological Applications 109 (2020) 110566
Rust, R. ; Kirabali, T. ; Groennert, L. ; Dogancay, B. ; Limasale, Y. D. P. ; Meinhardt, A. ; Werner, C. ; Lavina, B. ; Kulic, L. ; Nitsch, R.M. ; Tackenberg, C. ; Schwab, M.
A practical guide to the automated analysis of vascular growth, maturation and injury in the brain more
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14 (2020) 244
Xu, H. ; Medina-Sanchez, M. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Werner, C. ; Schmidt, O. G.
Sperm micromotors for cargo delivery through flowing blood more
ACS Nano 14 (2020) 2982-2993
Kühn, S. ; Sievers, J. ; Stoppa, A. ; Träber, N. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Welzel, P. ; Werner, C.
Cell-instructive multiphasic gel-in-gel materials more
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (2020) 1908857
Ye, C. ; Wang, J. ; Zhao, A. S. ; He, D. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Zhou, N. ; Huang, N.
Atorvastatin eluting coating for magnesium-based stents: Control of degradation and endothelialization in a microfluidic assay and in vivo more
Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (2020) 1900947
Khrunyk, Y.Y. ; Belikov, S. ; Tsurkan, M. ; Vyalykh, I.V. ; Markaryan, A.Y. ; Karabanalov, M.S. ; Popov, A. A. ; Wysokowski, M.
Surface-dependent osteoblasts response to TiO2 nanotubes of different crystallinity more
Nanomaterials 10 (2020) 320