
Publications Institute Theory of Polymers

  • Yong, H. ; He, X. ; Merlitz, H. Connection between intrapore free energy, molecule permeation, and selectivity of nanofiltration membranes more Macromolecules 55 (2022) 4119-4133
  • Sommer, J.-U. Heterochromatin and epigenetic memory from the viewpoint of polymer physics more Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics (2022) 5 Seiten
  • Besford, Q.A. ; Merlitz, H. ; Schubotz, S. ; Yong, H. ; Chae, S. ; Schnepf, M. J. ; Weiss, A.C.G. ; Auernhammer, G. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Fery, A. Mechanofluorescent polymer brush surfaces that spatially resolve surface solvation more ACS Nano 16 (2022) 3383-3393
  • Chougale, S. ; Romeis, D. ; Saphiannikova, M. Magneto-mechanical enhancement of elastic moduli in magnetoactive elastomers with anisotropic microstructures more Materials (Open Access) 15 (2022) 645
  • Hadjab, M. ; Guskova, O. Adlayers of acceptor blocks based on diketopyrrolopyrrole on graphite: self-assembly and structure revealed in all-atom modelling more Herald of Tver State University. Series: Chemistry 4 (2021) 118-130
  • Koch, M. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Guskova, O. Columnar aggregates of azobenzene stars: exploring intermolecular interactions, structure, and stability in atomistic simulations more Molecules 26 (2021) 7598
  • Koch, M. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Guskova, O. Cyclic photoisomerization of azobenzene in atomistic simulations: modeling the effect of light on columnar aggregates of azo stars more Molecules 26 (2021) 7674
  • O'Brien, C. T. ; Virtanen, T. ; Donets, S. ; Jennings, J. ; Guskova, O. ; Morrell, A. H. ; Rymaruk, M. ; Ruusuvirta, L. ; Salmela, J. ; Setala, H. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Ryan, A. J. ; Mykhaylyk, O. O. Control of the aqueous solubility of cellulose by hydroxyl group substitution and its effect on processing more Polymer 223 (2021) 123681
  • Savchenko, V. ; Guskova, O. Molecular switch based on bithiophene-azobenzene: how to control conductance through the monolayer using light more Herald of Tver State University. Series: Chemistry 3 (2021) 7-20
  • Werner, M. Decoding interaction patterns from the chemical sequence of polymers using neural networks more ACS Macro Letters 10 (2021) 1333-1338
  • Wengenmayr, M. ; Dockhorn, R. ; Sommer, J.-U. Multimolecular structure formation with linear dendritic copolymers more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 6937-6946
  • Abdoli, I. ; Wittmann, R. ; Brader, J. M. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Löwen, H. ; Sharma, A. Brownian magneto-gyrator as a tunable microengine more arXiv:2110.05284 [cond-mat.stat-mech] (2021) 14 Seiten
  • Donets, S. ; Guskova, O. ; Sommer, J.-U. Searching for aquamelt behavior among silklike biomimetics during fibrillation under flow more Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (2021) 3238-3250
  • Lang, M. ; Kumar, K. Reversible stepwise condensation polymerization with cyclization: strictly alternating co-polymerization and homopolymerization based upon two orthogonal reactions more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 7036-7050
  • Lang, M. ; Kumar, K. Simple and general approach for reversible condensation polymerization with cyclization more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 7021-7035
  • Schubotz, S. ; Honnigfort, C. ; Nazari, S. ; Fery, A. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Braunschweig, B. ; Auernhammer, G. Memory effects in polymer brushes showing co-nonsolvency effects more Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 294 (2021) 102442
  • Chougale, S. ; Romeis, D. ; Saphiannikova, M. Field-induced transversely isotropic shear response of ellipsoidal magnetoactive elastomers more Materials (Open Access) 14 (2021) 3958
  • Yong, H. ; Molcrette, B. ; Sperling, M. ; Montel, F. ; Sommer, J.-U. Regulating the translocation of DNA through poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-decorated switchable nanopores by cononsolvency effect more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 4432-4442
  • Fleury, J. B. ; Werner, M. ; Le Guével, X. ; Baulin, V. A. Protein corona modulates interaction of spiky nanoparticles with lipid bilayers more Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 603 (2021) 550-558
  • Vuijk, H. ; Merlitz, H. ; Lang, M. ; Sharma, A. ; Sommer, J.-U. Chemotaxis of cargo-carrying self-propelled particles more Physical Review Letters 126 (2021) 208102
  • Müller, T. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Lang, M. Swelling of tendomer gels more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 4601-4614
  • Payal, R. S. ; Sommer, J.-U. Crystallization of polymers under the influence of an external force field more Polymers 13 (2021) 2078
  • Murcia, A. F. P. ; Gomez, J. M. U. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Ionov, L. Two-way shape memory polymers: evolution of stress vs evolution of elongation more Macromolecules 54 (2021) 5838-5847
  • Besford, Q.A. ; Yong, H. ; Merlitz, H. ; Christofferson, A.J. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Fery, A. FRET-integrated polymer brushes for spatially resolved sensing of changes in polymer conformation more Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60 (2021) 16600-166
  • Cao, X.-Z. ; Merlitz, H. ; Wu, C.-X. ; Forest, M.G. Chain stiffness boosts active nanoparticle transport in polymer networks more Physical Review E 103 (2021) 052501