Gerasimchuk, I. V. ; Gerasimchuk, V. S. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Adsorption of polymer chains at two impenetrable interfaces more
JETP Letters 93 (2011) 431-436
Cao, X.-Z. ; Merlitz, H. ; Wu, C.-X. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Polymer-induced entropic depletion potential more
Physical Review / E 84 (2011) 041802 (4 pages)
Lange, F. ; Schwenke, K. ; Kurakazu, M. ; Akagi, Y. ; Chung, U.-I. ; Lang, M. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Sakai, T. ; Saalwächter, K.
Connectivity and structural defects in Tetra-PEG Hydrogels: A combined proton NMR and Monte-Carlo simmulation study more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 9666-9674
Schwenke, K. ; Lang, M. ; Sommer, J.-U.
On the structure of star-polymer networks more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 9464-9472
Fischer, O. ; Pospiech, D. ; Korwitz, A. ; Sahre, K. ; Häußler, L. ; Friedel, P. ; Fischer, D. ; Harnisch, C. ; Bykov, Y. ; Döring, M.
Synthesis and properties of phosphorus-polyesters with systematically altered phosphorus environment more
Polymer Degradation and Stability 96 (2011) 2198-2208
Saphiannikova, M. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Ilnytskyi, J. ; Heinrich, G.
Photo-induced deformation of azobenzene polymers: theory and simulations more
Proceedings of SPIE 8189 (2011) 818910 (15 pages)
Jehnichen, D. ; Pospiech, D. ; Friedel, P. ; Funari, S.
Semifluorinated PMMA / PSFMA diblock copolymers with multiple phase separation more
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie : Proceedings issue 1 (2011) 487-492
Richter, S. ; Kreyenschulte, H. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Götze, T. ; Heinrich, G.
Studies of the so-called jamming phenomenon in filled rubbers using dynamical-mechanical experiments more
Macromolecular Symposia 306-307 (2011) 141-149
Lellinger, D. ; Skipa, T. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Conzen, C. ; Meyer, H. ; Alig, I.
Eigenschaftesvorhersage von Carbon Nanotube-Polymercompsites in der Schmelzeverarbeitung more
GAK : Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe 64 (2011) 550-553
Merlitz, H. ; Wu, C.-X. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Starlike polymer brushes more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 7043-7049
Gerasimchuk, I. V. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Gerasimchuk, V. S.
Adsorption of polymer chains at penetrable interfaces more
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 112 (2011) 511-519
Ilnytskyi, J. ; Neher, D. ; Saphiannikova, M.
Opposite photo-induced deformations in azobenzene-containing polymers with different architecture: Molecular dynamics study more
Journal of Chemical Physics 135 (2011) 044901 (12 pages)
Shagolsem, L. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Order and phase behavior of a cylinder forming diblock copolymers and nano-particles mixture in confinement: A molecular dynamics study more
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 20 (2011) 329-339
Ivaneiko, D. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G.
Magneto-sensitive elastomers in a homogeneous magnetic field: a regular rectangular lattice model more
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 20 (2011) 411-424
Klos, J. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Monte Carlo simulations of charged dendrimer-linear polyelectrolyte complexes and explixit counterions more
Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (2011) 204902 (11 pages)
Dockhorn, R. ; Sommer, J.-U.
A model for segregation of chromatin after replication: Segregation of identical flexible chains in solution more
Biophysical Journal 100 (2011) 2539-2547
Werner, M. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Self-organized stiffness in regular fractal polymer structures more
Physical Review / E 83 (2011) 051802 (9 pages)
Chen, L. ; Merlitz, H. ; He, Su-Zhen ; Wu, C.-X. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Polyelectrolyte brushes: Debye approximation and mean-field theory more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 3109-3116
Luo, C. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Growth pathway and precursor states in single lamellar crystallization: MD simulations more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 1423-1529
Hoffmann, M. ; Lang, M. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Gelation threshold of cross-linked polymer brushes more
Physical Review / E 83 (2011) 021803(8)
Sommer, J.-U. ; Dockhorn, R. ; Welzel, P. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Werner, C.
Swelling equilibrium of a binary polymer gel more
Macromolecules 44 (2011) 981–986
Werner, S. ; Pospiech, D. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Eckstein, K. ; Komber, H. ; Friedel, P. ; Janke, A. ; Näther, F. ; Reuter, U. ; Voit, B. ; Taurino, R. ; Messori, M.
Synthesis and phase-separation behavior of a,v-difunctionalized diblock copolymers more
Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 49 (2011) 926-937
Klos, J. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Simulations of dendrimers with flexible spacer chains and explicit counterions under low and neutral pH conditions more
Macromolecules 43 (2010) 10659-10667
Karatchentsev, A. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Simulations of the gyroid phase in diblock copolymers with the Gaussian disphere model more
Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (2010) 244903 (11 page)
Nedelcu, S. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Simulations of the polyelectrolyte dynamics in an externally applied electric field in confined geometry more
Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (2010) 244902 (8 pages)