Gube, A. ; Komber, H. ; Sahre, K. ; Friedel, P. ; Voit, B. ; Böhme, F.
Formation of oligomeric and macrocyclic ureas based on 2,6-diaminopyridine more
Journal of Organic Chemistry 77 (2012) 9620-9627
Pogodin, S. ; Werner, M. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Baulin, V. A.
Nanoparticle-induced permeability of lipid membranes more
ACS Nano 6 (2012) 10555-10561
Merlitz, H. ; Wu, C.-X. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Inclusion free energy of nanoparticles in polymer brushes more
Macromolecules 45 (2012) 8494-8501
Boye, S. ; Appelhans, D. ; Boyko, V. ; Zschoche, St. ; Komber, H. ; Friedel, P. ; Formanek, P. ; Janke, A. ; Voit, B. ; Lederer, A.
pH-triggered aggregate shape of different generations lysine-dendronized maleimide copolymers with maltose shell more
Biomacromolecules 13 (2012) 4222-4235
Ilnytskyi, J. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Neher, D. ; Allen, M. P.
Modelling elasticity and memaory effects in liquid crystalline elastomers by molecular dynamics simulations more
Soft Matter 8 (2012) 11123-11134
Ivaneiko, D. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G.
Effects of particle distribution on mechanical properties of magneto-sensitive elastomers in a homogeneous magnetic field more
Condensed Matter Physics 15 (2012) 33601: 1-12
Shagolsem, L. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Diblock copolymer-selective nanoparticle mixtures in the lamellar phase confined between two parallel walls: a mean field model more
Soft Matter 8 (2012) 11328-11335
Lang, M. ; Fischer, J. ; Sommer, J.-U.
The effect of topology on the conformations of ring polymers more
Macromolecules 45 (2012) 7642-7648
Werner, M. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Baulin, V. A.
Homo-polymers with balanced hydrophobicity translocate through liqid bilayers and enhance local solvent permeability more
Soft Matter 8 (2012) 11708-11716
Klos, J. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Simulation of complexes between a charged dendrimer and a linear polyelectrolyte with finite rigidity more
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 297 (2012) 448-460
Toshchevikov, V. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G.
Theory of light-induced deformation of azobenzene elastomers : Influence of network structure more
Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (2012) 024903 1
Chassé, W. ; Saalwächter, K. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Thermodynamics of swollen networks as reflected in segmental orientation correlations more
Macromolecules 45 (2012) 5513-5523
Lang, M. ; Schwenke, K. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Short cyclic structures in polymer model networks: a test of mean field approximation by Monte Carlo simulations more
Macromolecules 45 (2012) 4886-4895
Pospiech, D. ; Werner, S. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Komber, H. ; Friedel, P. ; Reuter, U. ; Funari, S. ; Perlich, .J. ; Voit, B.
Multifunctionalized methacrylate di -and triblock copolymers: synthesis and nanostructure more
Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites 8 (2012) 58-66
Sommer, J.-U. ; Werner, M. ; Baulin, V. A.
Critical adsorption controls translocation of polymer chains through lipid bilayers and permeation of solvent more
epl: a letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics 98 (2012) 18003 (5 p.)
Freudenberg, U.; Sommer, J.-U.; Levental, K.; Welzel, P; Zieris, A.; Chwalek, K.; Schneider, K.; Prokoph, S.; Prewitz, M.; Dockhorn, R.; Werner, C.
Using Mean Field Theory to Guide Biofunctional Materials Design more
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (2012) 1391-1398
Saphiannikova, M. ; Skipa, T. ; Lellinger, D. ; Alig, I. ; Heinrich, G.
Superposition approach for description of electrical conductivity in sheared MWNT/polycarbonate melts more
eXPRESS Polymer Letters 6 (2012) 438-453
Hoffmann, T. ; Friedel, P. ; Harnisch, C. ; Häußler, L. ; Pospiech, D.
Investigation of thermal decomposition in phosphonic acids more
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 96 (2012) 43-53
Kohn, P. ; Huettner, S. ; Komber, H. ; Senkovskyy, V. ; Tkachov, R. ; Kiriy, A. ; Friend, R. ; Steiner, U. ; Huck, W. T. S. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Sommer, M.
On the role of single regiodefects and polydispersity in regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene): Defect distribution, synthesis of defect-free chains, and a simple model for the determination of crystallinity more
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 4790-4805
Burchard, W. ; Lederer, A. ; Khalyavina, A. ; Lindner, P. ; Schweins, R. ; Friedel, P. ; Wiemann, M.
SANS investigation of global and segmental structures of hyperbranched aliphatic-aromatic polyesters more
Macromolecules 45 (2012) 3177–3187
Toshchevikov, V. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G.
Light-induced deformation of azobenzene elastomers: a regular cubic network model more
Journal of Physical Chemistry / B 116 (2012) 913-924
Nedelcu, S. ; Werner, M. ; Lang, M. ; Sommer, J.-U.
GPU implementations of the bond fluctuation model more
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2012) 2811-2824
Chassé, W. ; Lang, M. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Saalwächter, K.
Cross-link density estimation of PDMS networks with precise consideration of networks defects more
Macromolecules 45 (2012) 899-912
Domurath, J. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Ausias, G. ; Heinrich, G.
Modelling of stress and strain amplification effects in filled polymer melts more
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 171-172 (2012) 8-16
Romeis, D. ; Merlitz, H. ; Sommer, J.-U.
A new numerical approach to dense polymer brushes and surface instabilities more
Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (2012) 044903 (9pp)