- Blending of Immiscible Polymers in a Mixing Zone of a Twin Screw Extruder - Effects of Compatibilization more Polymer Engineering and Science 40 (2000) 1143-1156
- Grenzschichten mikrothermisch analysiseren : Die mikrothermische Analyse als neue Methode zur Grenzschichtuntersuchung in Verbunden more Materialprüfung 42 (2000)
- Orientation of the Infrared Transition Moments for an a-Helix more Biophysical Journal 78 (2000) 2499-2510
- Modifizierung von Polyamidfasern zur Verbesserung ihrer Biokompatibilität (russ.) more Chimiceskie volokna (2000)
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- Polymer Blends<br />6th European Symposium on Polymer Blends<br />A new Bifunctional Coupling Agent: Synthesis and Model Reactions more Wiley-VCH 149 (2000) 237-243
- Polyperoxidic Surfactants for Interface Modification and Compatibilization of Polymer Colloidal Systems. II. Design of Compatibilizing Layers more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 76 (2000) 1228-1239
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- On the determination of the surface energetics of porous polymer materials more Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 14 (2000) 765-775
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- Elektronenstrahl-Verfahren: Eine innovative, in die Zukunft weisende Technologie : Teil IV: Vernetzung von Ethylen-Propylen-Kautschuken mittels Elektronenstrahlen more Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (2000) 4376-4383
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- Special Issue. In memory of Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Jacobasch more VSP 14 (2000) Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 317-492
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