
Microbiology and Microfabs



01/2024 - using a machine learning approach, novel structural classes of antibiotics can be identified, recently published in Nature


11/2023 - in a recent collaboration, we identified semapimod to kill dormant bacteria in Cell Chemical Biology

10/2023 - collaborative work on the role of nucleotides in the polymerisation of MreB was published in eLife

07/2023 - Juliane's in vitro model on device-associated bloodstream infections was published in Advanced Healthcare Materials

06/2023 - our collaborative work on cell envelope growth with the van Teeffelen lab was published by the EMBO Journal

06/2023 - work on cholesterol multilayers spearheaded by Jens Friedrichs was published by Nature

03/2023 - Beatrise is leaving the lab to her next endeavors

01/2023 - a review on curvature in biological systems published in Advanced Materials


02/2022 - Melissa's work on the evaluation of bacteria-surface interactions published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology

01/2022 - Our collaborative work with Chris de Graffenried on Trypanosomal dynamics was accepted by PLoS Pathogens


08/2021 - Andre Ruland's work on amphiphilic copolymers published in Advanced Materials

07/2021 - Our collaborative work with Felix Wong, Ethan Garner and Ariel Amir on cellular lysis accepted by Frontiers in Microbiology

04/2021 - Collaborative work with Felix Wong and James Collins published in Nature Communications

03/2021 - Postdoc Beatrise Berzina joined the lab to work on the VirChip project - welcome!

01/2021 - Pedro Rangel successfully defended his Master Thesis - congrats!


06/20 - Together with Elisha Krieg we successfully applied for a two-year grant from the Else Kröner Fresenius Zentrum (VirChip)


09/2019 - Protein adsorption revisited published at Biointerphases

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Lab Members



Dr.-Ing. Lars Renner
Group Leader

Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e.V. and the Max-Bergmann Center of Biomaterials
Hohe Strasse 6
01069 Dresden

Phone: +49-351-4658-787
Email: renner(at)