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Bharti Yadav

Institut Theorie der Polymere
+49 351 4658 657 +49 351 4658 752

Field of Research:

Modeling optical inscription and erasure of complex surface patterns in azobenzene-containing materials.


2012-2016:  Integrated BS-MS at Indian Institute for Science Education and Research, Mohali.
Since 2017:  PhD student in MTM group at IPF Dresden.


Winter semester (2018): Theory of soft condensed matter and polymer physics at TU Dresden

Summer semester(2020): Physics lab course supervision - Grundpraktikum 111 at TU Dresden

Summer semester(2021): Physics lab course supervision - Grundpraktikum 111 at TU Dresden


Bharti Yadav, Jan Domurath, Kwangjin Kim, Seungwoo Lee, and Marina Saphiannikova The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2019 123 (15), 3337-3347 2)Bharti Yadav, Jan Domurath, and Marina Saphiannikova. 2020. "Modeling of Stripe Patterns in Photosensitive Azopolymers" Polymers 12, no. 4: 735