

PROGRAM (as of Jan. 15, 2013)

POSTER LIST (as of Feb. 11, 2013)

The program features four invited plenary, four state-of-the-art and 16 keynote lectures on recent topics, challenges and developments in the field. Seven tutorials are intended to bring non-specialists up to date on important topics in the field of polymer separation and characterization.

The program is completed by the poster exhibition (75 posters by now) and an exhibition of instruments.

Invited Speakers

Christopher Barner-Kowollik (Germany)
Tom McLeish (UK)
Peter Schoenmakers (The Netherlands)
Carsten Werner (Germany)
Gert Desmet (Belgium)
Jana Falkenhagen (Germany)
Myeong Hee Moon (Korea)
Gary Slater (Canada)
Hans-Wolfgang Spiess (Germany)
Taihyun Chang (Korea)
Wolf Hiller (Germany)
Edwin Mes (The Netherlands)
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté (France)
André Striegel (USA)
Steffen Weidner (Germany)
Patrice Castignolles (Australia)
Dieter Fischer (Germany)
Robert Gilbert (Australia)
Albena Lederer (Germany)
Peter Lindner (France)
Alexey Lyulin (The Netherlands)
Petra Mischnick (Germany)
Lars Nilsson (Sweden)
Harald Pasch (South Africa)
Wolfgang Radke (Germany)
Stanislav Rangelov (Bulgaria)
Kay Saalwächter (Germany)
Jens-Uwe Sommer (Germany)
Bastiaan Staal (Germany)
Barbara Trzebicka (Poland)
Kim Williams (USA)
Robert Brüll (Germnay)
Walther Burchard (Germany)

A technical exhibition of chromatographic equipment, books and accessories will ensure a strong interaction between instrumentation and scientific communication. Companies interested in participating in the exhibition are invited to contact the Symposium Secretariat.