
Invited Lectures

James Busfield (London, UK): Rubber reinforcement at small strains

Philippe Cassagnau (Lyon, France): Viscoelasticity and dynamics of suspensions and nanocomposites filled with nanorods

Alexander Chervanyov (Dresden, Germany): Effects of polymer-mediated interactions on the coagulation-fragmentation of fillers in the presence of shear flow

Amit Das (Dresden, Germany and Tampere, Finland): Rubber reinforcement by nanoparticles: Preparation and properties

Françoise Ehrburger-Dolle (Grenoble, France): Stress relaxation in strained filled elastomers

Sergei Egorov (Charlottesville, VA, USA): Cancellation

Julien Férec (Lorient, France): Rheological modeling of rod suspensions with interactions: From particles to macroscopic behavior

Sanjay Govindjee (Berkeley, CA, USA): The use of statistical mechanics to explore the structure of the fully-coupled thermo-mechanical free-energy function

Manfred Klüppel (Hannover, Germany): The role of polymer confinement between filler particles in rubber reinforcement

Francois Lequeux (Paris, France): Mechanical NON linearity of elastomers in the glass transition domain

Kristian Müller-Nedebock (Stellenbosch, South Africa): Modelling reversible and irreversible Polymer networks with variable functionality for reinforcement

Helmut Münstedt (Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany): Rheological behaviour of particle-filled polymer melts

Wim Pyckhout-Hintzen (Jülich, Germany): Neutron scattering of supramolecular interactions in polymer networks

Stefanie Reese (Aachen, Germany): Finite element micro-field simulation illustrating the effect of micro-structure morphology on stress softening in filled elastomer networks

Chris Robertson (Akron, OH, USA): Flocculation in elastomeric polymers containing nanoparticles: Jamming and the new concept of fictive dynamic strain

Michael Rubinstein (Chapel Hill, NC, USA): D ynamics of nanoparticles in polymer melts and networks and their effect on rheology

Kay Saalwächter (Halle-Wittenberg, Germany): Filler effects on segemental dynamics and local chain deformation in elastomers: Insights from NMR

Jens-Uwe Sommer (Dresden, Germany): Effective Interactions of Nanoparticles in Polymer Matrices

Paul Sotta (Lyon, France): Discriminating entropic and non-entropic contributions to elastomer reinforcement